Six Simple Tips to Lower Your Heating Bills

Six Simple Tips to Lower Your Heating Bills

Even if your heating system is relatively new, you might still struggle with skyrocketing bills during the coldest months of the year. Once the weather starts to cool off, it might feel as if your heater or furnace never turns off, and that could wreak havoc on your monthly bills. Luckily, improving the efficiency of your home doesn’t need to be an expensive project, and a few simple changes and upgrades could make a big difference.

Use Fans Strategically

Using fans during the coldest months of the year might not seem practical, but circulating the indoor air could actually lower your heating costs. When the temperatures drop, you should reverse all of the ceiling fans throughout your home so that they pull air up instead of push it down. That is going to heat your home by redistributing all of the warm air that is trapped near the ceiling.

Inspect and Clean Vents and Radiators

Many families accidentally cover up their vents and radiators with items like chairs and shoes, and that could have a huge impact on their heating bills. At least once every few weeks, you should spend a little bit of time inspecting the radiators and HVAC vents throughout your home. In addition to making sure that they have plenty of clearance, you might also want to clean off any dust and grime that is on them.

Take a Look at Your Windows

In the average home, around 10 percent of all heat loss occurs through the windows. The easiest way to minimize that heat loss is to put up thick curtains that are going to trap in heat. You should also try to seal up any cracks or pinholes that you can find around your home’s windows.

Insulate your Attic

Attic insulation it is a must in Illinois. This will keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Attic Insulation will also help you lover your bills due to using less energy to keeping your home warm. Hiring an industry professional as Always Ready Repair to make your attic insulation will assure you that all of the work is done properly and by the highest industry standards.

Install a Smart Thermostat

Smart thermostats have exploded in popularity over the last few years, and those devices often pay for themselves in a matter of months. Over time, the thermostat will begin to adjust the indoor temperature depending on who is home and what time of day it is. You can also control a smart thermostat from anywhere in the world with your smartphone, and that means you can change the temperature just before you get home instead of leaving the furnace or radiator running all day.

Have the Heating System Serviced

These few tips and tricks are a great start, but you should also have your heating system serviced by the professionals here at Always Ready Repair. One of our NATE certified technicians can look over every inch of your heating system and take care of minor mechanical issues before they become serious problems. Our service calls could improve the efficiency of your heating system, increase its lifespan, and reduce your risk of a catastrophic breakdown. Please call Always Ready Repair today to learn more about all of the services that we offer.

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